Welcome to Physical Education                             

Within the Physical Education department, we are pleased to be able to offer a wide and varied range of activities.  Through core PE lessons we offer a range of sports, leadership opportunities and sport science within the Curriculum.  Extracurricular opportunities allow for both competitive and inclusive routes to be taken through range of both traditional and alternative sports.  Throughout all lessons at Parkfield School, teaching students how to access sport outside of school and maintaining a healthy active lifestyle remains paramount.   

Physical Education Key Stage 3

KS3 begin the year focusing on team building and health related fitness.  They begin to apply knowledge from KS2 and independently lead groups for warm-ups and small activities.  They will learn how to lead a healthy active lifestyle which includes studying heart rates, fitness testing and training and gaining key information regarding nutrition.  Opportunities are provided for students to further their learning of sports studied through competitions in school and within the local area.  In Year 8 and 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in a Young Leaders programme through Dorset School Games as well supporting activities within our Primary phase. 

Physical and Health Education Key Stage 4

An important focus for KS4 lessons is to ensure that students are equipped to continue physical education outside of school and later in life.  During the first term they will have the opportunity to visit local venues within the local area to experience the use of their facilities.  They also study a range of fitness and team sport that are accessible to them at any stage of life.   Students will also be taught more in depth about the benefits of exercise, in particular how to cope with stress over their Year 11 exam period. 

Level 2 BTEC Sport

We currently offer Level 2 BTEC Sport as part of the options process to students in Key Stage 4. This is over and above their core entitlement. This is suitable for students who have an interest in an aptitude for sport and physical activity.  

Please see the link for specification details: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-firsts/sport-2012-nqf.html

PE Curriculum Journey