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Provider Access Policy

 Parkfield Provider Access Policy

Parkfield are using Compass + as a tool to demonstrate that we are successfully meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks which is how schools measure their CEIAG provision. 

Careers Information and Guidance

Parkfield aims to fully prepare students for a fulfilling adult life in a rapidly changing society, with an awareness of the next steps in their education, employment or training.  Now established into our new location the school aims to continue to build strong partnerships with local businesses.

Based on the Government Careers Strategy, every pupil will leave Parkfield having received independent and impartial careers guidance from an external provider.  This personal guidance supports pupils to make informed choices in their learning pathways, courses and qualifications, apprenticeships, universities and the world of employment.  Year 9 and Year 11 are the pivotal points for this personal guidance.

Students can access careers advice in the form of up to date prospectuses from colleges and universities in our school library, alongside advice and resources for different career and education options where possible. Outside speakers from employers, colleges and universities bring further information to pupils directly through school assemblies and careers lessons and online.

Our careers contact is Miss L Walton who can be reached through our office on or by calling the school on 01202 592530.


Careers Parents Guide

It may be helpful for parents and carers to access these additional websites aimed specifically at helping them gain Careers information to help their students

 Apprenticeships: a parents‘ guide


Careers Convention

Traditionally Parkfield is delighted to join up with the larger schools of both Parkstone Grammar School and Highcliffe School for their outstanding Careers Conventions in the Spring and Summer Terms.  These are important and exciting events in our school calendar for students from Year 9 upwards to attend with their parents.
The Careers Convention is a valuable opportunity for students and parents alike to explore the wide scope of career options open to them.

It is a chance to keep up to date with career prospects, entry requirements, courses of study and professional and vocational training by talking individually to those currently involved in their specialist area.

We await further guidance for this year. 

Key Stage 3 Careers Years 7 & 8

Speakers and events are a blend of online and face to face.


An awareness of possibilities and an understanding of the working world around us is introduced through talks from a variety of employers and educational establishments. PSHE lessons incorporate Careers.





Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities.

Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities.

Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities


PSHE Careers, What do need to succeed? (Yr7)


PSHE Careers, What opportunities are out there for me? (Yr8)


Key Stage 4 Careers Years 9 & 10

Speakers and events are a blend of online and face to face.


Building on the learning and skills gained across KS3, pupils now look towards having the opportunity to complete meaningful work experience and / or volunteering. Parkfield is actively planning for Year 10 to attend work placements across our local borough in June 2023. PSHE lessons incorporate Careers.


Please speak to our named Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.


The school policy on safeguarding sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students. Please ensure that you are familiar with this policy.






Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities.


Launch work experience, Yr10.


PSHE Careers, What is the world of work like? (Yr10)


PSHE Careers, Which careers might be right for me? (Yr9)

Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities


Careers convention

CEIAG Interviews (Y9)

Mock interviews

Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities


Work experience June Yr10



Careers Year 11





Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities




Personal Statements


Personal Guidance, CEIAG Interview, Pure Employability


College information from speakers

Assembly speakers from local employers, colleges, sixth form schools, T Level providers and universities


PSHE Careers, where can access guidance and support?


Exam Revision


Careers convention


Destination data

Destination data


Employer Engagement

At Parkfield we are always looking for new ways to engage our young people with the world. 

As part of our careers program we have a focus on employer encounters.  This can be assemblies following government guidance and where possible visits out to companies for our young people to experience the working world first hand. The senior school is in the region of 330 pupils. 

Individual one hour class lectures can be arranged with a focus on particular year groups and themes.

If you feel you can offer time to support us in any way please contact Miss Walton via the email below:

I look forward to hearing from you!

We review our careers information in the Autumn Term each academic year.  We also measure the impact by carrying out surveys across the year to students on the various activities that have taken place.

Parents Careers Education Questionnaire 


Apprenticeship Unlocked: Wednesday 8th February 4-7pm @ AFC Bournemouth

This is a fantastic opportunity for students (including Sixth Formers) to find out more about our apprenticeships and speak to some of our amazing employers. This is a popular event so book your place, details and how to book can be found here;

Contact Us

Hurn, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6DF