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The Parkfield School Improvement Board

A local governing body within Reach South Academy Trust consists of the following:

  • 4 Trust appointed members
  • 2 Elected parent members
  • 2 Elected staff members
  • Headteacher

Additionally there can be up to 3 Co-opted members

Parkfield Governance Arrangements 2024

Currently, there is an Improvement Board in place which consists of Trust Appointed Governors and / or those appointed by the GB / Improvement Board . The Improvement Board will meet regularly to provide challenge and support to the school  and work directly with the Trust Board. 

The Improvement Board consists of:

  • 1 Trustee, Reach South Academy Trust
  • Deputy CEO, Reach South Academy Trust
  • Director of Education, Reach South Academy Trust
  • Director of Operations, Reach South Academy Trust
  • 3 Members of the former LGB


Marcus Agius CBE, Chairman and Trust Appointed Governor

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: Chairman of Exbury Gardens, Director of Exbury Garden Retail Ltd and Chairman of Plants at Cambridge.

Marcus has significant corporate governance experience in the private and public sectors. He was previously Chairman of PA Consulting, Barclays, BAA and Lazards in London. He was the first Senior Independent Director on the Executive Board of The BBC and was the Chairman of the British Bankers Association. He was also Chairman of the Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Marcus is the Chairman of Reach South Academy Trust, and also the Chairman of Exbury Gardens. He is a member of the Science Museum Advisory Board.


Sue Greenwood – Trust Appointed Governor

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Susan currently works as a Professional Performance Programme Manager for NHS England. She has worked within the NHS for her entire career; 12 years in a clinical setting, then managing a south regional complaints service, more recently managing primary care practitioner performance. All areas have governance at the heart; helping to run services efficiently and effectively ensuring that NHS organisations and staff are open and accountable and that frameworks, policies and procedures are in place to support the values of the NHS in providing transparency and to make improvements to facilitate better safe care for patients and their families. Susan hopes that this skillset will aid her role of Local Governors for Parkfield in order to help secure the Children are at the heart of every decision that is made and they are supported in a nurturing environment to help them grow to their full potential. Susan has two children at Parkfield who have both been at the school since their reception years.

Svetlana Fryazinova – Trust Appointed Governor

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Svetlana has three children attending Parkfield School, two in primary and one in secondary. Her eldest child has been going to Parkfield School since day one. She has enjoyed seeing Parkfield grow and develop and she is even more excited to see what the future holds for the school. She has solid experience in management and market research analytics with a specialty in advertising and branding campaigns evaluations for one of the world’s biggest FMCG companies. She has been working with different markets and different regions and has never stopped learning and developing new skills. For the last decade she has been running her own photography business and tutoring in photography, creative arts, preforming arts and mathematics. She is keen on exploring progressive methods of teaching and has a strong interest in creating systems with support and amplify the natural curiosity and inner motivation for studying. She is excited to be able to use her life and work experience to help the school develop.


Manda Copage – Trust Appointed Governor

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Manda is a National Head of Professional Standards and Performers Lists, NHS England and NHS Improvement. Manda is skilled in managing performance concerns, grievances or appeals relating to healthcare professionals. A skilled and experienced case investigator; case reviewer and case manager with extensive work in this area at an operational level, a national policy development level and national advisory level since 2006. Manda provides expertise and independence to healthcare organisations who are managing performance concerns, grievances or appeals relating to healthcare professionals.


Christopher Toye, Deputy CEO

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 0/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Christopher Toye is the Deputy CEO and has previously worked as Executive Headteacher of Millbay Academy. He is an experienced educator having been a Teacher, Headteacher and Executive Headteacher in South London for thirty years. He has led a number of schools that have been recognised as Outstanding by Ofsted. The majority of his experience has been with primary schools including those with SEN resource bases (for children with speech and language impairment and autism).

He was appointed a National Leader of Education by the Department for Education in 2013 and has carried out many primary and secondary school improvement deployments throughout England. He is a Trustee of a designated free school (promoted by the Portuguese Embassy), Governor of an outstanding secondary school in London and has led a Teaching School. He is a Board Member of the Lambeth Schools Forum. He has previously been an Additional Inspector for The Tribal Group (commissioned by Ofsted).


Mark Elms, Director of Education


Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Mark is the Director of Education. Mark Elms has 30 years of Headship and Executive Headship experience in London Schools; he led the first federation of England Primary Schools. Mark was a National Leader of Education and took a lead role in the team that developed the London Challenge Primary Programme. He led Tidemill School in London from Special Measures to Outstanding. Under Mark’s leadership, Tidemill became a National Teaching School, making a significant contribution to the development of London Schools. Mark was a founding Director of Reach2 Academy Trust.


Ian Carnwell, Director of Operations

Appointed by: The Trust

Term Dates: 05.03.24 – 05.03.25

Attendance 2023-24: 1/1

Registered Interests: tbc

Ian is Director of Operations. The operations function of the Trust includes estate management, IT, project management, legal services, health and safety, GDPR, communications and public relations. Ian has over 20 years’ experience in architecture and is a Chartered Architect with the RIBA and is a registered Architect with the ARB. He is highly experienced in all aspects of school buildings, from initial design to completion.

He has been responsible for a significant number of new school build projects and major additions to existing schools.

If you wish to contact the Chair of The Improvement Board you can do so either via the school office: Parkfield School. Hurn BH23 6DF. Tel: 01202 592530 or

The Governor Handbook can be found here: HANDBOOK

For more information on Reach South Academies or how the Board of Trustees operate, please visit

Contact Us

Hurn, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6DF